

Grace YTH is our student ministry for students in 6th- 12th grade. Our Youth ministry strives to provide a place where every student belongs and believes. Through weekly services and small groups we want students to experience authentic relationships, powerful worship, and life-changing messages. Our heart is for our students, and we truly believe that they are world changers. Everything we do is focused on discipleship and connecting them to a living and loving Savior.

Grace YTH meets on Sunday nights from 6:00 - 8:30 at Grace Church.

Upcoming Events

Grace YTH Camp Nights

Camp Nights will consist of 4 Individual Nights dedicated to team competitions, games, food, fun, powerful worship and an impactful message!

Grace YTH Camp nights dates are: 6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14 from 6pm-9pm.

These nights are meant for students to experience a Youth Ministry Camp without traveling to a Camp Ground!

Students and leaders will be assigned to teams associated with a color. Each night, your student will wear that color and compete in fun games to earn points for their team! At the end of Camp Nights, whoever has the most points, will win!

Camp Nights are meant for your student to invite their friends, be a part of some fun competitions but also have an encounter with Jesus that will change their life.

Grace YTH Camp nights is for 6th-12th graders.

Upon registration you will receive a confirmation email. After the confirmation email you will receive an email with forms that will need to be filled out in order for your student to participate.

This is a Free Event! Register Today!

Camp Nights Registration